Interior Design Q&A: Taxi Cab Color Scheme
January 19, 2015 | 6:45 pm
I manage a tanning salon, the girls want to paint the walls taxi cab yellow and all the trim black. I told them that would look horrible do you agree? There is a lot of trim and 2 doors are included. I got several opinions and they were the same as mine. I did not know if I was being too harsh or not. The black is going to be on the door jams also and the individual rooms are different shades of bright colors.
Generally, we love the concept of the bright colors – however, we do agree with you regarding the abundance of black. It is obvious that your staff wants the salon to have a fun and vibrant look and that is an exciting concept. You might use white high gloss paint for the trim and yellow variations along with other bright shades in high gloss paint for the walls and doors. The combination of the high gloss paint and the white trim could reflect a nice amount of light to make the salon appear bright, bold, and fun. If your staff still insists on black, try it in a single room and see if you like it. The wonderful thing about paint is that you can always (and often fairly easily) change it. Please contact us for additional information at 717-249-7052 or
(Picture By Users Omnibus, Uris on en.wikipedia [see page for license], via Wikimedia Commons)
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